Tuesday, 23 December 2014





09901366442 – 09902787224

Health Care Management

1)         List the common models of Public Private Partnership in Health Sector. Explain contracting in detail.
2)        How medical System is responsible in promoting the spread of HIV transmission? Explain.
3)        Write short notes on the following :
(u) National policy for empowerment of women  (b)  National Commission of Women
4)        How do the socio-cultural factors influence the gender health ? Explain.
5)         Explain the initiatives taken by United Nations to prevent and control HIV/AIDS in India.
6)        Discuss in brief the following strategic themes of National Population Policy :
(i)        Decentralized Planning and programme implementation
(ii)       Empowering women for improved health and nutrition
7)         Why is there an increased attack of Coronary Heart diseases in youth of India? Explain.
8)        Why is yoga becoming a popular system of medicine across the world? State reasons

Hospital Management

1)         Discuss in detail about the line and staff organization with example.
2)        Explain the principles of effective direction.
3)        How do you motivate the employees of your hospital radiology department?
4)        Detail the techniques involving in Enterprise Resource Planning.
5)         Brief the mechanics and benefits of Business process reengineering.
6)        Discuss the types and process of decision making.
7)         Explain structure of hospital organization.
8)        Write in detail about the importance of leadership in hospitals. Importance of co-ordination in Hospitals.
9)        Define performance of evaluation and methods of evaluation in hospitals
10)      Explain Total Quality Management in Hospitals.


1.                   Explain structure of hospital organization.
2.                  Define performance of evaluation and methods of evaluation in hospitals
3.                  How do you motivate the employees of your hospital radiology department?
4.                  Explain Total Quality Management in Hospitals.
5.                  Explain the role of economic appraisal in the context of clinical decision making?
6.                  For a new multi-sectional hospital how will you organize and structure the administrative set up?
7.                  Define the concept of hospital management
8.                 Explain three points of hospital services
9.                  Define the hospital organization
10.              What is emergency service?

Hotel Management

1.         Explain  the  types  of  accommodation  available in  hotel  industry.         
2.         Bring  out      the development  of  hotel  industry  in India. 
3.         Explain           the  storage  systems  and  inventory levels  relating  to  hotel         industry.
4.         Bring  out      the  importance  of  labor department  in  hotel  industry.   
5.         Explain           the  legal  formalities  to  be  carried out while starting  a  hotel      industry.
6.         6.Discuss  on :  (a)   Front  office. (b)       Costing. (c)    State  excise.
7.         What will be the Future trends and challenges to be faced by hotel industry?
8.         Comment on the growth and development of Taj Group of Hotels.

Human Resource Management

1.         Whom should the committee choose for the assignment and why?
2.         What problems might each individual encounter in the position?
3.         How might QEC go about minimizing the problems that the chosen person would have in managing the Gaza Strip operations?
1. What should he do?
1. What should Sudarshan do?
1.         If the news is broken to Mahesh, how would he react?
2.         If you were giving advice to the Chairman on this matter, what would you recommend?
1.         In the case of the lndane Biscuits, bring out the importance of ‘context’ and ‘credibility’ in communication.
2.         List the direct and indirect causes for the escalation of tension at Indane Biscuits.
3.         If you were the Personnel Manager what would you do?

Human Resource Management

1.         Employee referral is the best approach to recruitment .What is your view?
2.         Why has "fun at work" been profitable at Hitech?
1.         Explain why the revised performance appraisal system at Wellstar Hospital is more efficient?
2.         Do you think the performance appraisal system at Wellstar is aligned with its corporate profile and appropriate for all levels of employees?
3.         Considering accreditation requirements which focus on employee development and education, what are your suggestions for changes in the performance appraisal format?
1.         How far do you agree with the management that performance appraisal should be discontinued?
2.         If you were the HR manager, how would you tackle the situation?
3.         What modifications would you suggest in the performance appraisal system of the company
1.    From the discussion of job analysis information and job design, what actions would you recommend to HR department?
2.   Given the problems associated with the second shift, what differences would you look for between first shift and second shift workers?
3.   Since the Canadian workers had considerable experience with the equipment but the workers particularly in second shelf in Brazil had very little experience, what implications do you see for the job design?
1.    What would you do if you were Mr. Khaitan?
2.   How do you think the company got into a situation like this in the first place?

Human Resource Management

1.     Do you think that it is easier to tie human resources to the strategic management process in large or in small organizations? Why?

2.    Three popular interventions for enhancing worker satisfaction are job enrichment, job rotation, and role analysis. What are the critical differences between these interventions, and under what conditions might one be preferable to the others?

3.    Explain Collective Bargaining and Labor relation?

4.    How might the ADA’s reasonable accommodation requirement affect workers such as law enforcement officers and fire fighters?

5.     The reasonable woman standard recognizes that women have different ideas of what constitutes appropriate behavior than men have. What are the implications of this distinction? Do you think it is a good or bad idea to make this distinction?

6.    Why have the roles and activities of the HR function changed over the past 20 to 30

years?  What has been driving this change?  How effectively do you think HR has responded?

7.     Some argue that outsourcing an activity is bad because the activity is no longer a means of distinguishing the firm from competitors. (All competitors can buy the same service from the same provider, so it cannot be a source of competitive advantage.) Is this true? If so, why would a firm outsource any activity?

8.    Distinguish between concurrent and predictive validation designs, discussing why the latter is to be preferred over the former. Examine each of the nine selection methods discussed in this chapter, and determine which of these would have validity most and least affected by the type of validation design employed.

Human Resource Management

1. “HR are functions are inter-related to each other” do you agree or disagree. Explain the reason for
your answer.
2. Being an HR manager what suggestions you would give to the organization for making better
image in the market.
3. What do you know job security and why job security is important in the organization?
4. Shabaz was continuously on leave few days ago, when he ask to explain the reason of leave he
said that he was on leave because of illness but when he ask for a prove he fail to present
the medical report. What do you think his application for leave should be approved or not? Justify
your answer?
5. Do you agree that employees who pass the socialization are more beneficial and productive then
who didn’t know it?
6. Discuss the role of tactical operational & Strategic managers with the help of hierarchical diagram?
7. How would you differentiate between extinction and punishment?
8. Have you ever observed; organizations try to get employees from the competing firms who have
complete knowledge about the procedures and operations, with an intention to beat the
competitor? Quote one real life example. In your opinion, is it ethically right to do so or not?
9. Mention any three reasons of failure of international assignments and also give its remedies
10. Do you agree “Rules and policies are to protect the rights of employees only? Discuss

Human Resource Management

1. How Does An Employer Prove "Job-Relatedness?"
2. What Is the Role of Temporary Employment?
3. What are the yield ratios for each step in the recruitment and selection process? What are the
implications of these ratios for future hiring?
4. Recommend at least three HR planning/recruitment/selection strategies designed to do any of the
following: (1) improve customer satisfaction, (2) increase the efficiency of the customer service
function, (3) increase the tenure of the customer service reps. (or decrease the need for them).
5. Think of a work situation in which your organization uses performance appraisal as a basis for any
type of personnel decision (e.g., promotions, reductions-in-force, transfer, lay-off, pay, discharge).
Select a situation with which you are very familiar or ask an acquaintance to answer the questions.
Respond to each of the items below in this context.
6. Workers’ compensation programs and the FMLA have proven to be problematic laws for employers.
Research these laws to determine the recent controversies and proposed solutions.
7. Should public employees be allowed to strike?
8. Drug testing should be conducted for all individuals filling sensitive positions and randomly for the
entire organization.

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