Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Research Methodology. Quantitative Methods. Purchase Management. Public Relationship Management. Project Management. ARAVIND 9901366442.doc




09901366442 – 09902787224

Project Management

1.       What quality control methods prevalent in project management? Explain why TQM is important in project management,

2.      Explain the finalization of project implementation schedule.

3.      Discuss the problems in organizing human resource in a project.

4.      Define ‘organizing systems’. Discuss the various designs of systems.

5.      What are the factors, which control the cost of a project? Discuss briefly on each. How does time over-run affect the project cost?

6.      Bring out the difference between CPM (Critical Path Method) and PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Techniques) and their suitability of use. Explain critical path for the above with suitable examples.
8.     What is resource leveling in relation to PERT/CPM? 10+30 (b) List of activities for erecting a canteen in the factory is given below with other relevant details. Job A must precede all others while job E must follow all others. Apart from this, jobs can run concurrently also:

(i)  Draw the network and identify critical path

(ii) Crash the network fully to find out minimum duration.

8.     If indirect costs are Rs. 300/day determine the time-cost trade off for the project. The time and cost estimates of different activities of a project and their precedence relationship are ' given below:

Overhead costs amount to Rs. 1,000 per week. It is stipulated that the contractor will have to pay a penalty of Rs. 2,000 per week for completing the project beyond 16 weeks

(i)  Show the critical path in the network Diagram.

(ii) Find out the cost slope for every activity using normal and crash date for time and cost.

(iii) Crash the project to 16 weeks, Estimate the total cost of crashing.

Project Management

1. Define Project. What are the five characteristics that help differentiate projects from other functions carried out in the daily operation of the organization.
2)        Under what condition would it be advisable to use a strong matrix instead of a dedicated project team?
3)        What do you believe is more important for successfully completing a project, the formal project management structure or the cultural of the parent’s organization?
4)        You are in charge of organizing a dinner-dance concert for a local charity. You have reserved a hall that will seat 30 couple and have hired a jazz combo
a)     Develop a scope statement for this project that contains example of all the elements, assume that the event will occur in four week and provide your best guess estimate of the date for a mile stone s.
b)        What would the priorities likely be for this project
5) Develop a community plans for an airport security project, The project entails installing the hard ware and software system that
1) scan passenger eyes
2) fingerprints the passengers and
3) transmits the information to a central location for a evolution.
6) Project risk can/cannot be eliminated if the project is carefully planned. Explained.
7) Explain the difference between budget reserved and management reserves.
8) Present six reason scheduling resources is an important task.
9) Why is conductor of an orchestra an appropriate metaphor being a project manager? What aspects of project managing are not reflected by this metaphor? Can you think of other metaphors that would be appropriate?
10) What are the difference between the five stage model of team development and the punctuated equilibrium model?

Project Management

1. What happens if these are not present?
2. You manage a hotel resort located on the South Beach on the Island of Kaui in Hawaii.
You are shifting the focus of your resort from a traditional fun-in-the-sun destination to
eco-tourism. How would you classify the following projects in terms of compliance,
strategic, and operational?
3. How would you respond and why?
4. Why is a conductor of an orchestra an appropriate metaphor for being a project manager? What
aspects of project managing are not reflected by this metaphor? Can you think of other metaphors
that would be appropriate?
1. If you were Steele, what would you do?
2. What, if anything, could Steele have done differently to avoid this problem?
3. What could the management of Cerberus do to more effectively manage situations like this?
1) Explain the difference between budget reserved and management reserves
2) Present six reason scheduling resources is an important task.
3) What are the difference between the five stage model of team development and the
punctuated equilibrium model?
4) Under what condition would it be advisable to use a strong matrix instead of a dedicated
project team?
5) Define Project. What are the five characteristics that help differentiate projects from
other functions carried out in the daily operation of the organization?

Public Relationship Management

  1. List out the various innovative techniques of Public Relations.
2.      Explain the prevailing condition of public relations in India.
3.      What do you understand by Public Relations? How is it different from Advertising and Publicity?
4.      How useful is the concept of the ‘public sphere’ in the context of government communication and PR?
5.      How helpful are the strategic management or systems approaches in explaining public relations as a strategic activity? What are their strengths and weaknesses? Are there other more appropriate approaches?
6.     “Public relations is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics.” Explain.
7.      You are a CPRO of Municipal Cooperation. About 500 persons in the city become victims of dog bits every day. Design a multimedia public relations campaign indicating the four Step of public relations process to solve the dog menace problem in the city.
8.     Public relations practice is the discipline which looks after reputation.’ Discuss

Purchase Management

  1. Discuss the benefits to buying the company of certifying its suppliers. Discuss the benefits to a supplier of being certified?
2.     Discuss the reasons why top-management commitment is essential to the success of supplier management and development.
3.     How does the international sourcing process is differ from the domestics-sourcing process? What are the most important reasons for pursuing worldwide sourcing today?
4.     What are the benefits from the total cost of ownership for a purchased item? Are they any potential disadvantages of this approach? If so, what are they?
5.      What are the important item s that should be used any time you decide to enter into a long term contact with a supplier?
6.     Why do you believe that more companies have not adopted EDI over the past 20 years?
7.      What performance areas do you think will benefit most from purchasing involvement in the future?
8.     What are the benefits associated with a comprehensive policy and procedure manual?

Quantitative Methods

1) A manufacturer of baby dolls makes three types of dolls: Doll A, Doll B, and Doll C . Processing of these dolls is done on three machines, M1, M2 and M3 . Doll A requires 2 hours on machine M1 and 3 hours on machine M3 .while doll C requires 5 hours on machine M2 and 4 hours on machine M3 . There are 8 hours of time per day available on Machine M1, 10 hours of time available on machine M2 and 15 hours of time per day available on machine M3, The profit gained from doll A is Rs 3 per doll, from doll B is Rs 5 per doll and from doll C is Rs 4 per doll .
What should be the daily production of each type of dolls? Which machine(s) would be idle according to this plan? By how much?
2. Write a note on the economic interpretation of the dual .
3. Explain the transportation method of solving a transportation problem . Also give its schematic.
4. What do you understand by an assignment problem? Give a brief outline for solving it.
5. A trip from Chennai and Bangalore takes six hours by bus. A typical time -table of the bus service in both the directions is given below:
6. Discuss the cutting -plane algorithm for solving integer programming problems .
7. How would you use Gantt Chart for solving sequ encing problem? Why is it not employed for solving larger problem?
8. What are the relevant costs for inventory decisions? How are they obtained in real life situations?

Research Methodology

1. State the aspects which differentiate science and common sense. Discuss in detail the
characteristic of scientific research.
2. What are the types of scientific research and explain the same with the help of suitable examples.
3. What are the various methods of collecting data? In this regard discuss the various aspects that
need to be kept in mind while using the questionnaire methods.
4. What is observation? State and discuss the requirements and importance of observation methods
for collecting data.
5. Discuss the various steps for writing a research report.
6. Write shorts notes on:
1) Aims of social research 2) Methods of research 3) Format for report writing 4) Problems of observation.

Research Methodology

1.         State the aspects which differentiate science and common sense. Discuss in detail the characteristic of scientific research
2.         What are the types of scientific research and explain the same with the help of suitable examples
3.         What are the various methods of collecting data? In this regard discuss the various aspects that need to be kept in mind while using the questionnaire methods.
4          What is observation? State and discuss the requirements and importance of observation methods for collecting data.
5.         Discuss the various steps for writing a research report.

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